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Conflicting copies everywhere
Assets all over the place, chaos time baby!
Who wrote this copy, why is the tone different here, and for what reason?
Not knowing who made the edits, the designer or the developer!
Feedback slipping through the cracks
Treating content like the icing on a cake
You're not alone - we've been in the same boat for years!
No collaboration between the teams. Adopting an old waterfall process where the projects go from one team to another with little to no communication between them. That always created a lot of confusion, chaos, and misalignments.
Too many places to look at with so little context, we felt disconnected, disorganized, and completely lost. The tools that are supposed to help us are actually making things worse.
Let's look at a typical Product Design Team:
The UX do the wireframes/ prototypes
The Content Team writes the copy
The Designers do the UI
The Devs do the production
The Product Owners focuses on hitting milestones
The C level and Marketing in another world
Looking for a tool, a platform or a process to bridge the big gap between Content Strategy and UX Design from early ideation to production live websites and apps, was a tedious challenge.
Trying dozens of tools, that either feels clunky, or super duper specialized that covers only a tiny piece of the entire product dev lifecycle. We took the initiative, and oh boy, it was hard to come up with a solid combination that focuses only on leveraging the content strategy value first, as the god father of the web said, a design without content is just decoration.

In the intricate dance of design and technology, content has often been the unsung hero, whispered in the shadows, and added as an afterthought. But no more. Punkt emerges from a fundamental belief: Content isn't just a filler, it's the soul. It's time we place content at the forefront, guiding every facet of user experience.
The Age-Old Broken UX model
For ages, the process of creating user experiences was disjointed. Teams moved in silos, with content designers and UX writers scrambling to fit their narrative into predefined designs. This reactive approach resulted in a patchwork of user experience, lacking fluency and authenticity.
The Content First Vision
Punkt's vision is clear and unwavering. The story we tell our users should drive the design, not the other way around. Content shouldn't just fit into design; it should shape it. By harnessing the power of words from the onset, we can craft experiences that resonate deeply, communicate effectively, and engage profoundly.
Every journey begins with understanding. By integrating content designers from the early research stages, we ensure the narrative is aligned with user aspirations, needs, and expectations. It's not just about what users want to do, but also what they want to hear.
Content takes the lead. With a clear understanding of the narrative, planning becomes a harmonious collaboration, with content guiding design strategies, influencing layouts, and setting interaction cues.
An interactive dance between content and design. On the Punkt platform, prototyping becomes a dynamic exchange, with design and content influencing and enriching each other, ensuring a balanced and holistic experience.
Continuous evolution through feedback. Content isn't static. With Punkt, teams can gather insights, iterate, and refine the narrative in tandem with design, ensuring both resonate perfectly with the user’s expectations.
Deliver and evolve. Beyond just shipping the product, Punkt supports the evolution of content and design in response to changing user needs, behaviors, and feedback. This ensures a fresh, relevant, and impactful user experience at all times.
Don't miss the boat!